tory burch

Winter handbags under $1000

Winter handbags under $1000 from top left: black convertible shoulder bag / mini tote bag / black shoulder bag / small black convertible shoulder bag / black tote bag / white shoulder bag /

This is a beautiful time in handbag history. Since the anonymous handbag is thriving, we have been blessed with many handbag brands who not only concentrate on high quality and craftsmanship, but they also keep their designs free from loud logos and flair. Many of these beautiful bags speak for themselves and are priced fairly instead of priced for a label. This is beautiful because we, as the consumer, have a large range of handbags to choose from which are not only timeless, but are hotter than hot; and priced under $1000. Love that!

Some of my favorite luxurious handbags priced under $1000 include Coach, Mansur Gavriel, and Demellier. In addition, there are luxury brands with a few handbag styles we can snag for under $1000. These brands include Mulberry and Tory Burch.

As we move into 2024, handbag trends are still logo-less, with clean lines, high quality materials, and impeccable craftsmanship. Handbags should be timeless, and blend into your wardrobe for years to come; not just one season. We will continue to look for handbags in neutral hues which can withstand the test of time, and brands which have a good quality reputation in 2024.

The handbag styles which will be important in 2024 include shoulder bags, east/west totes, north/south totes, satchels, lady bags, doctor bags, and hobo bags. Look for soft leather, floppy silhouettes, and structure. There is a lot of leeway when it comes to handbag styles! Go for what fits your lifestyle and taste. Love that!

Here are a few of my favorite handbags for winter 2024 priced under $1000:

What are your favorite handbag styles for the winter 2024 season and as we move into the new year?

Thanks for stopping by!



Handbag wish list summer 2023

handbag wish list summer 2023

Summer 2023 handbag wish list from top left: turquoise mini bag (under $1000) / studded handbag / sparkling handbag (IT bag under $500) / top handle bucket (IT bag under $1000) / beige shoulder bag / tan shoulder bag (under $500) / grey tote bag / pale turquoise tote / black hobo bag /

Well, as you know, I love handbags! I have a huge handbag wish list, and for the summer 2023 season, my list is long! Of course, I will not be able to indulge in all of these bags, but a girl can dream, right?

This summer 2023 season, I really want to add one, beautiful investment bag to my collection. A beige or tan bag would be ideal since my collection is mostly black bags. In addition, I don’t have a grey bag! I have always wanted to invest in a grey handbag, but some other color always catches my eye (cough cough, black). So, I need to really focus and invest in a grey bag! I love this beautiful and classic tote bag in grey. It is a style which transcends trends and can be worn in every season. I have had my eye on it for quite some time, so snapping one up in grey would be a wise investment.

I also love fun colors in the summer months! How cute is this little mini bag in bright turquoise?! I love the pop of color for summer.

Studded bags are always a favorite of mine. I had a medium brown Prada bag twenty years ago with beautiful studs on it, and when I stopped wearing it on a regular basis, I sold it. It is the one bag I regret selling. I will never sell a studded bag again! This beautiful, slouchy ivory bag with studs is high on my summer investment list. Isn’t it fabulous? The studs are edgy, yet the ivory hue and slouchy silhouette give it a relaxed and feminine vibe. I am in love!

Shop my summer 2023 handbag wish list online:

Which handbags are you wishing for this summer season? Are you staying neutral, going bright, or mixing it up?

Thanks for stopping by!


Tory Burch Mini Ella Bio tote review

tory burch mini ella bio tote review

pictured: Tory Burch Mini Ella Bio tote / spring nail polish / bracelet /

How cute is the new Mini Ella Bio tote from Tory Burch! It is adorable! This little mini tote features Tory Burch’s classic tote styling with her full size logo on the front, simple lines, and simple straps. It resembles the tote bags Tory Burch has been designing for years and years, but this time, it is made from an eco-friendly material which is dubbed “the bio tote.” Love that!

As designers and brands work towards a more environmentally friendly manufacturing environment, they are also working hard to find materials which are environmentally friendly and downright eco-chic. While we see mostly new and emerging brands working with these modern fabrications, it is incredibly important to see a major designer work with an environmentally friendly material and create an IT bag people will get excited to buy and wear. I am thrilled to see this right now!

The Tory Burch Ella Bio tote collection is available in multiple sizes, but for spring 2023, I decided I wanted a little mini tote in a neutral hue, so I picked out the Mini Ella Bio tote and I am in love! This cute little tote snuggly fits my wallet, keys, lipstick, and iPhone without room to spare. The detachable cross body strap can be worn over the shoulder, or cross body, depending on your current mood. This bag can also be worn hand-held or on your forearm. Love that!

For the spring 2023 season, the Tory Burch Mini Ella Bio tote in available in neutral hues, as well as seasonal brights. I have a feeling the neutral hues will remain in her regular collection, and we will see new seasonal colors every year. This is a simple, practical, eco-friendly handbag, so I have a feeling it will sell well, and become popular. I might have to pick up a black one in a large size! Love!

Shop the Tory Burch Mini Ella Bio tote online:

What do you think of the new bio tote collection from Tory Burch? Are you excited for this new era of environmentally friendly materials in handbags? I know I am!

Thanks for stopping by!
