Barbie movie review and possible spoilers

Barbie movie outfit: statement earrings / pink dress (on major sale!) / mini tote / summer nail polish / glitter sneakers /
I finally saw the Barbie movie! So, here is my Barbie movie review which may contain possible spoilers, and of course, my Barbie movie outfit.
Barbie was always one of my toys as a child, if not my absolute favorite. I played with my Barbies longer than any of my friends, so much so, that I used to keep it secret! Barbie was the ultimate in combining dreams with imagination. She was what you wanted to be when you grew up, or what you dreamt of being. Little girls everywhere could play Barbie for hours upon hours. The inspiration for imagination was endless.
There were Barbie’s sold as a certain type or job, but you could change the doll’s outfit and change her career on a whim. Barbie could have multiple jobs and careers; she could be anything and everything! Barbie could be a CEO by day, and she could grace the red carpet as a movie star by night. Barbie was a doctor, a lawyer, a lifeguard, a fashion model, a company owner, an inventor, she was anything you could imagine her to be. If Barbie could have a fabulous career, so could the little girl playing with her!
Every woman who played Barbie’s as a child knows this, and the movie reiterates it right off the bat before delving into the first scene. The movie sets the stage for both Barbie fans, and non-Barbie players alike. Those of us who played Barbie’s, know the game inspired us to become anything we wanted to become as adults. She lived out our dreams.
This is why the movie instantly made me clap and cheer in the movie theater! It was as if the screen writers were inside my head forty years ago. My Barbie was a Solid Gold Dancer sometimes, and there was a scene where Barbie was dancing while dressed in gold, just like my Barbie! It was my childhood imagination come to life. Everyone who played Barbie’s could find the Barbie they imagined as child in the movie. It was a fantasy playground come to life, and I want to go back!
Wait, where did I store my Barbie’s? I know they are around here somewhere. . .hang on. . .anyway. . .
I don’t want to give out any movie spoilers in case you haven’t seen the movie. So, I will say this. Despite the critics trying to make this something it is not, the movie is a playground for every little girls imagination and inspiration. If Barbie can be President, so can you! If Barbie can be a doctor, so can you! So on, and so forth. . .
I loved this movie because it made my dreams as a little girl come to life on screen. It showed that Barbie was our dreams, our imagination, and our world of possibilities. She was the original girl power for many of us back in the day; and she still is. This is the type of movie I want to watch again and again. It was fun, powerful, and nostalgic, all in one.
Possible movie spoiler-proceed with caution! When you peel back the layers, Barbie has an existential crisis in the movie along with Ken, as they are both trying to figure out who they are in the world beyond the label on the box. At the end of the movie, Ken remains in Barbieland to find himself. For Barbie, the experience of seeing, feeling emotions, aging, and more in the real world, inspired her to move beyond the perfect plastic world she is accustomed to, and to move into the discomfort of becoming real.
This is an interesting turn of events as it reiterates Barbie can be anything she wants to be, but first, she needs to find herself and decide what is best for her, and what she really wants. Isn’t that something we all go through in life? Finding ourselves and finding what makes us happy? Perhaps there will be a second Barbie movie where we can see her go through this discovery, but I digress. . .
The last scene was my only disappointment in the movie. I had hoped Barbie would take over Mattel or snag another powerful job, but instead, she goes to a doctor appointment. While this shows Barbie being real and doing something ordinary which all women do, it left me flat as a movie ending. What are your thoughts on the ending if you saw the movie?
What I wore to the Barbie movie:
So, if you played Barbies, go see this movie! It will remind you why you loved playing with Barbie so much! If you were anti-Barbie, it will show a side of Barbie you never saw, and you might just see how powerful Barbie really is.
If powerful women, and challenges to patriarchy aren’t your thing, you might want to sit this movie out.
Thanks for stopping by!