If you are like me, you own several handbags. Perhaps you like to store certain handbags for specific seasons, or dressier occasions. In this case, you need to know how to store a handbag in order to protect it from damage which can occur in a closet.
The handbag I am using as an example in this post is my go-to dressy handbag. I wear it whenever I go out to dinner, or attend a special event; unless of course I am attending a formal event, then I use a formal bag, but I digress. I purchased this handbag back in 2007, and it still looks shiny and new! The reason it looks so good, is because I go the extra mile to properly store my handbags. Handbag storage is really important!
How to store a handbag: dust bag or box
How you store your handbag can have a lot to do with the type of closet you have. If you have a large walk-in closet, you may have special shelving for your handbags. In this case, you will only need a dust bag. If you have a wall closet, or are pressed for space, you might consider stacking your handbags. In this case, you will need a box.
Many handbags come with a box, but when they don’t, you can easily use another box and then label the outside so you know what is inside. A sturdy box is key since you don’t want the weight of other handbags bending the box and potentially smashing your bag. This will cause it to lose it’s shape.
My house was built in the 1950s, so my closet is small. I store my handbag at the foot of my bed in stacks. This means all of my handbags are stored on their back, inside of boxes. I have to make sure the boxes are strong so my bags on the bottom of the pile don’t get smashed.
If you are lucky enough to have shelving for your handbags, all you need is a dust bag. Most handbags come with a dust bag, but if you have bags which didn’t, or the dust bag has been misplaced, you can find them online here.
How to store a handbag: protecting it with felt
Once you have your dust bag and/or handbag storage box, it is important to place your handbag inside without damaging it. Many bags have metal hardware which can damage the leather or fabric of the bag. The best way to keep a bag’s hardware from damaging it is to use felt. Felt is really inexpensive, and can save your handbag! I use black felt on black bags and white felt on all other colors.
You should cut the felt into the right size piece to fit between the leather or fabric, and the hardware. There should not be any hardware touching your bag when it is stored. Hardware can discolor your bag, dent your bag, or tear your bag. You must use felt to keep your bag safe!
How to store a handbag: proper placement of a chain strap
Once your bag is inside the dust bag, be sure to store any metal strap outside the dust bag. This helps to keep hardware off the bag, and also help your bag keep it’s shape. It is important to make sure a metal strap is stored on the side of the bag, and not underneath. You don’t want the weight of the bag on top of the metal strap. Your bag will dent.
How to store a handbag: maintain shape with tissue
One of the biggest mistakes we can make while storing our handbags is to not stuff them! You can use white tissue to stuff your handbag. The tissue not only helps your handbag retain it’s shape, and prevent drooping, it absorbs any moisture in the air. This helps protect the leather on your bag so that it lasts longer.
Moisture from the bathtub, shower, and sink in your master bedroom can wreak havoc on your handbags. The tissue helps absorb that moisture, as well as high humidity in the air from weather. This was told to me by the designing duo Lamberton-Truex over lunch at Neiman Marcus almost fifteen years ago. If a handbag designer tells you to use tissue inside of your bags-you do it!
Lastly, always store your handbag on it’s back. If you store it standing up, it will eventually droop; even if it is properly stuffed. Storing your bag on it’s back is the best way to help it maintain it’s shape, and last a lifetime!
How to store a handbag: what you need:
Now that you know how to store a handbag, why not treat yourself to a new one! 😉
Thanks for stopping by!
Such great tips thanks for sharing! I need to take better care of my designer bags
It’s so important to take care of high end handbags…they cost a fortune. Such great tips, girl.
Such a great way to store handbags.
My husband makes fun of me for how I store my handbags! I have dusters, tissue, boxes, you name it!
I always store my bags in dustbins and I make sure to clean then every couple of months!
xo Jessica
These are all great tips! I always use dust bags to store my purses when I’m not using them.
this was actually super helpful thanks for sharing! i’m the worst at storing my bags and need to be better about it!
OK I had no idea about the felt, GENIUS!! These are some really great and useful tips!
I have tried so hard to get better at this! Such good tips. It’s makes all of the difference especially with really nice bags 🙂
needed these tips!! thank you so much for sharing!
I am the worst at storing my handbags, I need to take better care of them!