
Winter handbags under $1000

Winter handbags under $1000 from top left: black convertible shoulder bag / mini tote bag / black shoulder bag / small black convertible shoulder bag / black tote bag / white shoulder bag /

This is a beautiful time in handbag history. Since the anonymous handbag is thriving, we have been blessed with many handbag brands who not only concentrate on high quality and craftsmanship, but they also keep their designs free from loud logos and flair. Many of these beautiful bags speak for themselves and are priced fairly instead of priced for a label. This is beautiful because we, as the consumer, have a large range of handbags to choose from which are not only timeless, but are hotter than hot; and priced under $1000. Love that!

Some of my favorite luxurious handbags priced under $1000 include Coach, Mansur Gavriel, and Demellier. In addition, there are luxury brands with a few handbag styles we can snag for under $1000. These brands include Mulberry and Tory Burch.

As we move into 2024, handbag trends are still logo-less, with clean lines, high quality materials, and impeccable craftsmanship. Handbags should be timeless, and blend into your wardrobe for years to come; not just one season. We will continue to look for handbags in neutral hues which can withstand the test of time, and brands which have a good quality reputation in 2024.

The handbag styles which will be important in 2024 include shoulder bags, east/west totes, north/south totes, satchels, lady bags, doctor bags, and hobo bags. Look for soft leather, floppy silhouettes, and structure. There is a lot of leeway when it comes to handbag styles! Go for what fits your lifestyle and taste. Love that!

Here are a few of my favorite handbags for winter 2024 priced under $1000:

What are your favorite handbag styles for the winter 2024 season and as we move into the new year?

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5 mid priced handbag brands to know

5 mid-priced handbag brands to know from top left: lizard print shoulder bag / neutral shoulder bag / teal shoulder bag / black top handle bucket bag / croc print top handle bag / neutral bucket bag /

The anonymous handbag is the current IT bag, and with that being said, you don’t have to break the bank to carry the ultimate bag of the moment. There are so many fabulous, mid-priced handbag brands out there. So, I curated five of my favorite brands you may not have heard of yet. Although, if you have been following this blog and IT bags, you are no stranger to Mansur Gavriel! They are quite well known! But I digress. . .

What makes a chic, anonymous IT bag this year? Well, let’s break that down. The ultimate anonymous handbag is made from high quality materials and is crafted with exquisite craftsmanship. There are no loud logos; of course, brands and designers will put their logo somewhere, so your bag will have a stamp or small logo of some sort. The logo should not be the design of the bag; if you know what I mean.

There are quite a few mid-priced handbag brands out there, but some offer better quality and style than others. My five favorite mid-priced brands, not including Coach because I assume you already know they offer high quality and classic styles, are as follows, in alphabetical order.


APC offers clean, classic styling and high-quality craftsmanship on their handbags. In addition, they are more affordable than other brands with the same quality. Love that!


Aspinal is another brand which offers clean lines, classic styles, and high quality. I might start repeating myself when describing these brands! haha


If you have been following along, you know I love my DeMellier bag! I wear it quite often, and the quality is top notch. I love their chic styles too.

Mansur Gavriel

Well, as you know, we are nearing ten years of my Mansur Gavriel obsession. They offer fabulous handbag styles which are classic, as well as high quality craftsmanship.


Sezane is also a chic brand with high quality handbags. Love!

There you have it! Five fabulous mid-priced handbag brands to know and love. They all offer chic styles with high quality craftsmanship.

Thanks for stopping by!


DeMellier Vancouver bag review

fall outfit ideas
demellier vancouver bag review

DeMellier Vancouver bag review: outfit idea: cozy sweater / golden hoop earrings / golden ring / nail polish / joggers / DeMellier Vancouver bag in black pebbled leather / high top sneakers /

Are you in a classic mood? I am in a classic mood. I love everything timeless and chic right now. Styles which are simple, no-fuss, and transcend trends are calling my name. Despite all that, while this bag by DeMellier is a classic, it is also on trend. Imagine that!

Box bags are huge right now. In addition, logo-mania is over, which means, the pendulum has swung back to the anonymous handbag and clean lines. While bright colors, pastel hues, and metallic fabrications are on trend, flashing logos is not. This means you can reach for a classic shoulder bag in any color as long as the logo isn’t screaming at people. Love that!

The classic box bag is a must for any wardrobe. This style of handbag will transcend time and you will be able to wear it for years to come. While there are hundreds, if not thousands, of box bags to choose from, very few will catch my eye and give me the urge to purchase it. The Vancouver Bag from DeMellier did just that. The classic box bag shape combined with the sturdy pebbled leather and chic clasp, called my name. I had to have one!

The DeMellier Vancouver bag comes in several neutral hues as well as understated seasonal colors. I decided to go with classic black, because as you know, I love black handbags! You can never own enough black handbags!

There are three different types of leather on the DeMellier Vancouver bag to choose from. There is a smooth leather, a pebbled leather, and a stamped exotic leather. I decided to go with pebbled leather because I always find it is soft yet sturdy. Pebbled leather is also easy to clean and less prone to scratching than smooth leathers. As a mother of three, this is an important leather feature!

The DeMellier Vancouver bag comes in one size. I would call this a small/medium. It is roomier than a small bag, but not quite as large as your typical medium handbag. I can easily fit my wallet, sunglasses case, lipstick, keys, and phone inside with some room to spare. The main compartment is just the right size, and the slim, front compartment is perfect for a phone. There is also a small zipper pocket inside, I have not used this pocket yet.

What fits inside the DeMellier Vancouver bag

There are some luxurious features on the DeMellier Vancouver bag I also love. The clasp is very secure as it has a small push button on the bottom which unlocks the clasp. You can see it popped in the two photos below. This makes the bag secure and less likely to get pick-pocketed while on public transportation or in a large crowd. I am very happy with this security feature.

demellier vancouver handbag review
demellier vancouver pebbled leather handbag review

In addition to the secure clasp, the strap is adjustable! This is important because handbag strap trends are shifting. We are moving away from the cross-body bag and going back to the classic shoulder bag. The strap on the DeMellier Vancouver bag can be worn long or pulled up from the center of the top of the bag and worn short. This gives the bag flexibility so you can wear it cross body, 1970s style as a long shoulder bag, or 1990s style as a short shoulder bag. Love that!

So far, I love wearing my DeMellier Vancouver bag on a daily basis. It is a fabulous everyday bag. This shoulder bag can also be worn during the day with shorts or jeans, as well as dressed up at night. It is very versatile. I love a day-into-evening bag!

The DeMellier Vancouver bag is a great handbag to not only rock the box bag trend, but also as a classic wardrobe staple. Love! Which color do you plan to get?

Thanks for stopping by!


box bag trend demellier vancouver bag