Bay Area Fashionista is a “Blogzine,” meaning we are an online magazine written in an informal, blog format. The content contained in this website is for entertainment purposes only. Everything contained in this website is the sole opinion of the writers at Bay Area Fashionista and you may or may not agree with what we write.
Our content has been produced without compensation from sponsors or advertisers unless specifically stated within the article; per FTC Guidelines. We never write about anything we do not love, and we do not accept compensation to promote a product or service we do not agree with; or would not purchase with our own money.
Occasionally we will feature products we were given for editorial review. We have the choice to not feature an item given to us for editorial review if we do not love it. We only feature products received for editorial review we love, and would purchase with our own money. If these products are featured through modeling or otherwise on our website, we will designate the products with the “courtesy of” symbol which looks like this C/O.
Affiliate links: Some of our articles include affiliate links. These links are usually associated with a photograph, photo set or linked text. Affiliate links provide compensation to us through a number of clicks and we also receive commission if you choose to purchase an item we have featured through an affiliate on our website. Affiliate links do not cost you anything if you click on them or purchase a product through them.
Please understand we include affiliate marketing links in some of our articles as a way to receive advertising revenue and continue to provide our content to you, the reader, free of charge.
Advertising: Our website contains advertising in the form of banner ads from Google and affiliate advertisers. These advertisements take keywords from our articles and generate related advertisements and links. We do not have control over which advertisements are generated from random keywords and appear on your computer screen.
Reviews: Occasionally we receive product samples or event tickets with requests for review. We do not review everything we receive and we do not let receipt of samples or tickets influence our reviews; per FTC Guidelines. If we receive a product sample or event ticket, it will be specifically stated within the article; per FTC guidelines.
All of our reviews and promotions are the sole opinion of the writer and should be treated as such.
If you have any questions regarding our relationship with a product, designer or company, please do not hesitate to contact us via email.