street style trends

The anonymous handbag

anonymous handbag spring 2023 handbag trends it bags

The anonymous handbag from top left: green woven handbag / ivory moon shaped bag (under $500) / M frame shoulder bag / black shoulder bag /

The anonymous handbag is the ultimate IT bag right now; and as I am sure you have heard, logos everywhere are over. As we move away from loud logos on everything from handbags to belts to clothing, our personal style is shifting to a more understated and chic aesthetic; and I am here for it!

Quiet luxury is a term you will often hear, and it stands for beautiful items with top craftsmanship. Your handbag this year should speak volumes about your attention for detail and love for investment dressing. While a kitschy bag shaped like a firefly is a fun conversation starter, it will perfectly acceptable as long as the designer or brand isn’t plastered all over it. So, the moral of the story is, wear a neon handbag, as long as the logo isn’t blasting in your face. You can also wear a fun shape, asymmetrical and artistic bag, as long as the logo isn’t shouting at the world. Logos are bad, while classic, bright, and kitschy are good.

There are certain traits of popular designers you won’t be able to get away from, such as Bottega Veneta’s trademark weave, or Mansur Gavriel’s M Frame, or Louis Vuitton’s iconic Alma in a fabrication other than monogram vernis. It is OK to wear a bag which can be easily guessed, but only those who know will be able to guess. The brand or designer will not be readily displayed for the masses to have how much you spent shoved in their faces. This is the anonymous handbag.

I have never really been a big logo fan, except for belt buckles, so I have a belt to replace! haha When it comes to handbags, I prefer the anonymous handbag since I love high quality craftsmanship and beautiful styles. Since I have two daughters, I think of my handbags as something I can hand down to them when they are older. This is why I gravitate towards classic styles which will swing in and out of style, or will remain important 365 days per year, every year, forever.

Here are a few of my favorite anonymous handbags from around the web:

What is your favorite version of the anonymous handbag?

Thanks for stopping by!



Top spring 2023 trends

Spring 2023 trends from top left: caramel hobo bag / star necklace (under $100, use code CathyO-20 to save 20% off) / layered necklace (use code CathyO-20 to save 20% off) / green handbag / straight leg jeans (under $100) / black handbag / black slides / straw bag /

Spring 2023 is just about here! The blossoms are blooming, the weather is hot, cold, warm, cool, wet, dry, and icy, and the sun will sometimes say hi. When you walk into a store, the colors are bright, and the spring cheer is everywhere. Love that!

There are a few trends from last year we are seeing continue into this year, while a few new trends are emerging for spring 2023. Here are the top trends for spring 2023 we all need in our wardrobe.

Interesting Shoulders: This means shoulders with a little somethin’ somethin’. Look for puff sleeves, one-shoulder looks, and cut-outs.

Small handbags: Despite the oversize bags on the runways, the streets still prefer smaller bags. Look for small and medium sized hobo bags, moon shaped bags, interesting and non-traditional shaped bags, small one handle satchels or lady bags, straw and natural fiber bags, the baguette, and plastic or jelly bags are hotter than hot. Look for handbags in classic neutrals, or happy colors.

Square Toes: The square toe is making a comeback, and as we move through the year you will see it more and more. Look for square toes and enjoy them! Square toes allow your toes room to wiggle. Love that!

Layered jewelry: For the spring 2023 season, look for layered necklaces, layered bracelets, and classic pieces; that can be layered! Layer-up your baubles!

No Skinny Jeans: There is one denim rule this spring 2023 season, no skinny jeans! Look for straight leg jeans, flare jeans, and wide leg styles. Your jeans can be traditional blue, or a color from the rainbow; as long as they are not skinny. The hemline can drape over your shoe, be jogger-style, ankle length, or cropped. Anything goes, as long as your jeans are not skinny.

Cut outs: This trend is going to last well into 2024, so get into it! Cut outs on your shoulder, at your waist, on your back, or anywhere; cut outs on your clothing is hotter than hot.

Vintage inspiration: Look for 1960s and 1970s hemlines, meaning mini and maxi. Designers took a lot of inspiration from the 1960s through the 1980s. Hemlines are from the 1960s and 1970s, while colors and sleeves are from the 1980s. You might still see some 1990s in there, but the ’60’s through to the ’80’s are where spring 2023 is at. Groovy.

Stay anonymous: Shove those loud logos to the back of your closet. Your handbags and belts should be anonymous. If people can tell the brand or designer of anything you are wearing from a mile away, it’s so last year. Look for, and wear, quiet luxury.

Well, there you go! The top spring 2023 trends which made it from the runways to the streets for the spring 2023 season. Love!

Thanks for stopping by, and stay tuned for more spring coverage.



Handbag trends 2023

Handbag trends 2023 from top left: straw tote / shoulder bag / moon shaped bag / top handle bucket bag / top handle bag / chain link hobo bag /

Hello 2023! With the new year, we have new trends in handbags to covet and enjoy. Love that!

This year, the handbag trends are sensible, chic, and easy to wear everyday. While one runway trend seems to be hitting store shelves, I have yet to see it hit the streets outside of fashion week; that would be the large, garbage bag sized hobo trend. The hobo bags people are actually wearing are medium or small. You don’t need a bag large enough to fit a Golden Retriever. Dogs should walk anyway. haha

In 2023, we are looking at a few new trends in handbags, as well as a few popular, continuing trends from last year. If you already hopped on the hobo trend, you are in good shape! Hobo bags are still hot this year. Look for moon shapes and small or medium sizes. If you want to rock the oversized hobo, be my guest. I just warn you, those extra large hobo bags are an easy way to lose to your car keys! I’ve said my peace.

Shoulder bags are still hot. The strap can be any size you are comfortable carrying, so if 1970s-style long straps are your thing, you’re in luck! If you prefer short straps, or pochette length straps, you’re in luck too! Anything goes this year when it comes to strap length. Hopefully that means you have the perfect bag in your closet already. If not, it is time to invest in a classic shoulder bag that will last for years.

Top handle bags in mini, small, and medium sizes are hot this year! As you know, this is a classic look that is always in style, but in 2023, it is on fire. If you don’t have a top handle bag which is medium or smaller, it is time to invest!

Do you love bucket bags? They are still hot! This continuing trend has added a twist recently. You can rock a classic bucket bag or drawstring bag; or you can modernize with a top handle bucket bag. This is an emerging IT bag look you might want to jump on.

Straw bags, and bags made from natural fabric will start trending in the spring; and will continue to trend throughout the summer. If your natural or straw bag from last year is in good shape, fabulous! If not, start looking for a new one. They are trickling into stores as we speak, but should be plentiful as we move into February and March.

Wondering what color is hot this year? Green bags are still trending, and metallic bags in any hue are also trending. For 2023, denim bags are hotter than hot, and are looking to be the IT fabric of the year. If you love trendy, denim bags are your thing! Also, neon hues are an emerging handbag trend if you want a notice-me bag. If not, neutrals and black are still hot and chic for 2023. What I love about neutrals and black is that they make the bag an investment which can be worn year after year. I love a good investment bag! Also, black, and neutral-colored bags have higher resale value if you are thinking of selling a bag after a few seasons. Thoughts to ponder. . .

Did you buy a funky chain bag in the past few years like I did? Well, we can all rest easy knowing chunky chains in both metal and resin are still hot! Rock that chain bag in 2023! If you love the trend, but haven’t snapped up a chain bag yet, look for chain details, resin chains, and smaller metal chains as we move into the new year.

Shop handbag trends 2023 online:

What is your favorite handbag trend of 2023? I will be wearing shoulder bags, neutral bags, my green bag, hobos, and my straw tote when the weather warms up.

Thanks for stopping by!
