workout ideas

9Round Santa Clara review

I cannot believe it has been one month since the new 9Round Santa Clara opened it’s doors! April flew by so quickly, and I had so much fun getting fit at the new 9Round! In case you missed my post about 9 Round back in January, it is a full body workout studio where you can get a complete workout in 30 minutes. Love!

As you know, I enjoy working out. My fitness routine typically includes spin classes, hikes, treadmill days, step classes, cardio kickboxing, swimming; and anything I can drop into. But, these types of workouts run for 60 minutes, and with my busy schedule, it has been really difficult this year for me to fit these workouts into my crazy schedule. When I heard about the new 9Round Santa Clara, I was excited for a 30 minute workout!

Do you see the TV screen in the photo above? That is a heart-rate monitor which lets you know which zone you are currently in. My knick-name is “Shark,” so as you can see, I was in the red zone when this photo was taken. The ideal zone I should be in for most of my workout is the yellow zone. This is a great tool because it helps you regulate your workout, and adjust, so that you can optimize your results. After you workout, the system sends you an email with a recap of how much time you spent in each zone, and how many calories you burned. It really helps you understand your workout! Love that!

This is a workout which fits into a busy schedule. It’s easy to say you’re too busy to workout on any given day, especially when travel time to and from the gym is typically 30 minutes; and the workout itself is 60 minutes. This is what makes 9Round so fabulous, you cannot make excuses for time! This is a full body workout that can be completed in 30 minutes. It targets all the major muscle groups, and includes cardio interval training too.

I included 9Round workouts 2-3 times each week in April. I loved how much time they saved, and the fact that I couldn’t make any excuses about not having time to workout. As a result, I lost two pounds in April! Yay!

FYI: I lost those two pounds without dieting. I still ate a little bit over my recommended calorie count. Results will be different for everyone-so don’t assume you can eat anything you want and still lose weight, it’s usually a combination of fitness and nutrition. These were my results.

The 9Round workout doesn’t get boring. If you get bored of always doing the same thing, that won’t happen at 9Round. There are 9 circuits which a personal trainer leads you through. Everyday, the workout changes. So you rarely do the same thing twice. I love how the workout is always different, it keeps me on my toes! Plus, all of the trainers are so nice, supportive, and fun to talk to! Love that!

I’m looking forward to continuing to workout at 9Round Santa Clara, and to up my fitness level!

If you live here in the Silicon Valley area, definitely check out 9Round Santa Clara, you will love it! Hope to see you there!

For more information, please check out 9Round’s website here, or call at 1-669-281-KICK.

*Please excuse my sweaty face in these photos-I was having fun and working hard! My beautiful teenage daughter, and my 10-year-old son, took these photos. They did a pretty good job didn’t they!

Thanks for stopping by!


*thank you to 9Round Santa Clara for partnering on this post. All thoughts and opinions are my own

9Round Santa Clara pre-sale happening now

affordable workout studio santa clara 9 round fitness santa clara kickboxing classes santa clara drop in workout studio santa clara

photo credits: photos courtesy of 9Round Santa Clara

One of my favorite things to do in the new year is to shake up my fitness routine. I have been going to the same gym for over seventeen years, so I am starting to feel like it is time to try something new in order to help motivate myself in my fitness routine. Fitness studios which specialize in full-body workouts are the current trend; and are proving to be more affordable and flexible, not to mention effective, than traditional full-service gyms. There are so many different ones to try! While many promise a full-body workout, most are only effective with cardio workouts, or core fitness; not a combination. I want something that does everything; after all, I am a busy mother of three! One of my friends is a fitness expert, and she is opening a hot new fitness studio in Santa Clara; I cannot wait to give it a try!

Complete workout in Santa Clara in 30 minutes

9Round Santa Clara is a fabulous fitness concept which combines strength training, kickboxing, and abs/core work. These are the three major things we can use in our fitness routines in order to receive maximum results from our workouts. In addition to a complete workout in one session, a single session is only 30 minutes! That is so amazing for those of us with a tight schedule; but wait, that’s not all! There is no scheduled time for the workout. So, you don’t have to worry about a meeting at work going late, or getting stuck in traffic; you won’t miss your workout. You can pop in anytime during business hours and start your workout! Love that!

The workouts are different every time you go, and there is always a trainer there to help you with your form and keep you motivated during your workout-so you can’t cheat! haha Members of 9Round Santa Clara will also get a member portal, PULSE Rate Technology, goal setting, gloves and wraps, and personal attention. Love!

9Round Santa Clara membership information and sales

9Round Santa Clara is currently under construction, but they are pre-selling memberships right now; so you can lock in and stop making excuses about your fitness routine! I’m excited to start my first month when they open. The current opening target date is in March 2019, that’s so close! If you buy a pre-sale membership now, you will get a few fabulous goodies plus a HUGE discount! I love discounts!

You can learn all about this fun workout online here.  The Santa Clara location is right by Santana Row-so think of all the fun you can have after your workout! I see a healthy brunch after I workout in my future!

I hope you will join me at 9Round Santa Clara! This is the fabulous way I plan to shake up my fitness in 2019. Join me and let’s get fit together! Goodbye extra ten pounds! I won’t miss you.

To sign up for a 9Round Santa Clara membership now, and/or to learn more about founding member benefits, please email 9Round Santa Clara or call 1-669-281-KICK. The new location is located at 3109 Stevens Creeks Blvd., Santa Clara, Ca.

Remember! With your $25 registration, it reserves your spot when they open and guarantees the lowest membership rate, which includes free gears! Only 100 founding member spots are available so sign up NOW. Can’t wait to see you reach your fitness goals this year!



*Thank you to 9Round Santa Clara to partnering on this post with photos and info.

workout studio santa clara

Summer 2018 fitness routine

addidas IT shoes

Summer starts tomorrow! So I am switching up my fitness routine for the summer season. What I love about the summer season is that I have more free time to get in really good workouts. It is also a time when I can include my kids in my fitness routine. Love that!

My goal this summer is to work off ten pounds. I hope to lose a pound a week; I know I can do it! I use MyFitnessPal to track my workouts and caloric intake. Everytime I use it, it works like a charm! It’s an easy numbers game; stick to the calorie count, workout, and voila! A pound a week will vanish. Love it!

Here is my summer fitness routine:

Monday: Cardio and weights, 60 minutes (interval and strength)

Tuesday: Spin class with my daughters (cardio)

Wednesday: BodyCombat class (cardio)

Thursday: The Drop (interval and strength class)

Friday: Spin class with my daughters (cardio)

Saturday: Family hike or swimming laps with the kids (easy cardio)

Sunday: rest day

It is important to mix up cardio, interval training, and strength training. By mixing together different workout types, it works differing muscles groups, enabling a good overall workout routine.

I’m excited about my summer fitness routine because I have the time to mix together the right types of workouts into my schedule.

What are you doing this summer for fitness? Which workouts are your favorite?

Thanks for stopping by!

