Handbag capsule wardrobe spring 2023 from top left: M Frame handbag / black shoulder bag / green shoulder bag / ivory moon shaped bag / caramel hobo bag / black hobo bag /
The spring 2023 season is all about shoulder bags, hobo bags, small top handle bags, and the anonymous handbag. While I am on the hunt for the perfect top handle bag, my spring handbag capsule is full of my shoulder bags and hobo bags which are small or medium in size. They are also my bags without obvious logos.
While many handbags have a logo on them, since designers and brands like to identify themselves, the idea this season is not to wear a bag which screams the designers’ name. If the logo is large, and part of the design, then it is too loud for spring 2023. The idea is to have a bag people will have look closely at to identify, or even ask you about. That is the anonymous handbag.
In addition to the anonymous handbag, the size this season is small to medium. While the runways have also shown oversized bags you can fit the kitchen sink inside, the streets have not taken to the trend. If you want to try and bring it to the streets, power to you, but remember, you will need to allocate extra time in your schedule for finding your car keys. Those bags are huge!
Shop my handbag capsule wardrobe for spring 2023 online:
What styles of handbags are you wearing this spring season?
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