Spring 2018 fitness routine

pictured: view of Saratoga Hills from Quarry Park hiking trail in Saratoga, Ca

Spring is here! Now that the spring season has officially begun, it is time for a new fitness routine.

Although our weather here in the San Francisco Bay Area is still wintry, I am going to try and push through my spring fitness routine, and get outside more!

One of my goals for 2018 was to get outside more, so I am trying to integrate more outside fitness into my spring routine. Since this is our rainy season, I need to ensure I have an indoor back-up plan in place in case of inclement weather on an outdoor fitness day.

Monday: Outdoor hike for 30 minutes plus 15 minute stretch routine

Tuesday: Spin class

Wednesday: Swimming workout-about 4000 yards.

Thursday: 30 minute interval workout at home, alternating cardio drills, core work and strength drills. (my schedule on Thursdays is crazy busy-so I need to squeeze something in at home)

Friday: BodyCombat

Saturday: Family Hike outside for 60 minutes

Sunday: Rest day.

The problem with my fitness routine, is that I need to add weights! So, as of right now, my indoor alternate workout for rainy days involves a one hour treadmill LifeFitness Course, and about a half hour of weights. This will help me integrate weights into my routine; unless we don’t get our weekly rainy days-then I need to re-evaluate this routine! Haha

As you know, in a typical fitness routine, there should be a good combination of cardio, interval, anaerobic cardio, core work, strength work (using body weight), and weights. This fitness routine addresses all of those components except for the weights; which I am hoping will naturally fall into my routine on rainy days.

What is your typical fitness routine during the spring season? If you like to workout outside, how do you incorporate weights into your weekly routine?

Thanks for stopping by!



12 thoughts on “Spring 2018 fitness routine

  • Stephanie

    My fiancé works at a fitness center in my city, so I’m lucky to have access to some of the best equipment and really wonderful personal trainers there! I’ve been just trying to work on toning lately, and instead of a particular style of exercise each day, I try to work out a certain part of my body! It’s been great and I can already see a difference 🙂

  • Kileen

    Love this post girl! This is a great fitness schedule. I’ve been really trying to focus on fitness this year and have been loving Vital Fitness Studio for my workouts.

    cute & little

  • Mollie

    This is such a great routine – I love the variety! Swimming is SUCH a great workout.

    xx Mollie

  • Sara

    We need to be better about taking advantage of our local recreation areas for hiking and just getting outdoors! Thanks for the inspiration!

    xo, Sara

  • Kerrie

    Wow! That’s a very demanding schedule. Will you be able to keep all that up with your already busy schedule? Adequate rest is important too! I’ve had similar ambitions in the past and burnt myself out with trying to do too much. There’s nothing wrong at all in keeping fit but doing too much isn’t always good for your health. Sorry. Just saying……Take care of yourself whatever you plan to do.

  • Ashley

    I love that you shared your fitness schedule! I love being able to get outside and workout this time of year!

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