Chain bags for spring 2024

Chain bags spring 2024 from top left: yellow handbag / soft pink top handle bag / black shoulder bag / pink shoulder bag / white handbag / black chain bag /

Don’t you love it when a classic style is hot on the streets? I do! The classic chain handbag, popularized by Chanel’s famous classic flap shoulder bag and 2.55 shoulder bag, is hot by any designer right now. While the anonymous handbag is hotter than hot, the chain bag is right there along side it.

Chain shoulder bags for spring 2024 should be as classic as possible. Steer clear of logo fabric bags and stick to smooth, exotic, or quilted leather. You want your chain bag to be timeless, and an investment for your overall wardrobe. You can choose a seasonal pastel, which will work every spring season for years to come, or go for a black or neutral hue you can wear all year long. It’s up to you and what you need in your handbag wardrobe. Love that!

If you have a collection of Chanel bags with chain straps, you’re good! If not, there are several designer, mid-range, and affordable chain bags on the market you can choose from. Personally, I love the ones by YSL, Jimmy Choo, Marc Jacobs, Coach, and Tory Burch. They are chic and timeless.

Also, if you are jumping on the TikTok “Mob Wife Aesthetic” trend, chain bags are perfect with your faux fur coat and large hoop earrings to complete this look.

Here are a few fabulous chain bags from around the web you can shop online:

What do you think of the chain bag for spring? Are you a devoted fan of the look? Or will you continue to resist one of the most classic handbag styles of all time?

Thanks for stopping by!

