Building Block handbags
Building Block handbags are made in a multi-medium design studio in Los Angeles, California. The handbag collection includes minimalist designs which are often geometric; as well as tassels which can be added to any of Building Block’s handbags. Some of the handbags include wood block details and rubber straps; which adds a little bit of a personal touch to each piece.
I have become tired of recognizable handbags and logos. I feel like I can identify almost everyone’s handbag I pass on the street. There is usually a large logo or logo pattern strewn across the bag. If there is not a readable logo, a handbag will have a distinctive design which is easily spotted. Although I confess to owning many recognizable handbags which also happen to have readable logos on them, I have become bored of handbags which are easily recognizable.
I love the concept of minimalism and a handbag which offers high quality and clean lines. I love seeing a fabulous design which is well made; sans the logo. Cue in Building Block handbags. Although I have not purchased one yet, I am planning on purchasing the box handbag featured in the above photo. I love the boxy design, which happens to be an up and coming trend for fall 2014 and into 2015. Aside from the silhouette being fashion-forward, I love the high quality design and absence of a strong logo.
One of the beautiful things about carrying a handbag which is not easy to recognize, is that it starts conversations. It is always fun to have someone ask who made your handbag or shoes, etc. It starts a conversation and creates human interaction which is sometimes lacking in this day and age, where people tend to hide on their smart phones, appearing to be busy; which many times they are just hiding, they are not really busy!
In addition to the boxy handbag I am currently saving up to purchase, I also have my eye on Building Block’s Cylinder Sling and Cylinder Duffle. What do you think of the collection?