Daily Archives: January 12, 2018

Ways to reduce stress

ways to reduce stress manage stress

Ways to reduce stress: Things which help manage stress levels from top left: A fun mug for decaf tea before bedtime / “Zumba” home workout routines to get moving at home and reduce stress / cozy blanket throw to snuggle up in while relaxing before bedtime / paper planner for getting re-organized (this is the planner I own, and I love it!) /  yoga mat for stress reducing exercise / sneakers for looking cool while talking a stress reducing walk

If you find your life is busy, stressful, and hard to manage, then welcome to the family! I am always looking for new ways to reduce stress in my life. As a working Mother of three who home-schools, and volunteers in the community, I have a lot of balls in the air.

In order to manage stress without drinking alcohol, or using any vices, one needs to get creative! If you search online for ways to reduce stress, often times the articles will give advice about meditating, taking deep breaths, and similar new-age type tips. If you are like me, these new-age tips are completely worthless. I don’t do meditation. I don’t listen to tapes with ocean sounds, and I certainly don’t sit crossed-legged taking deep breaths. No sir-re bob!

As an active person, I need active and calming practices to help me reduce stress; as well as time management. In order to juggle running a business, home-schooling two kids, juggling three schedules for three children, keeping my house in order, and maintaining my two, big volunteer jobs, I have created my five tips to managing stress. These work for me! I hope you like them and find them helpful!

5 ways to reduce stress in life

  1. Exercise: OK, I am sure you have heard this before, but exercise is my favorite way to manage my stress level. When you exercise, you release endorphins which helps to keep your spirits up. Exercising actually creates energy, making it easier to get through your busy day. My favorite stress-relieving exercises include Cardio Kickboxing (imagine punching things that stress you out), Spin Classes (spin out the stress!), and Cardio dance classes (nothing like getting lost in the rhythm and the music!).
  2. Get Organized: This may sound like a no-brainer, but sometimes we need to reorganize our personal organization systems. Try switching from an electronic to-do list to a paper planner, or vise-versa. Sometimes just using a new organizational system can makes things seem more simple. I use a paper planner with my daily schedule and to-do list. This helps me organize by the day, week, and month. If one day seems too busy, you can easily switch things up. I think a paper planner is easier to see at a glance versus using an app. I also like being able to take my pen and check things off after they are done.
  3. Relax at least one hour before bed: I don’t know about you, but I cannot get my much-needed sleep if I work up until bedtime. One hour before I go to sleep I zone out in front of the television. This is also a great time to chat on the phone with a friend, catch up with your friends on social media, or listen to music. Don’t do anything productive or your mind will still be spinning when you try to go to sleep.
  4. Schedule “Me Time:” When you work, raise children, and juggle everyday life, sometimes it can be hard to remember to schedule time with your friends, or to schedule alone time. What is fun and relaxing for you? Is it meeting a friend for lunch during a busy day? Is it strolling through the mall with your friends? Is it taking a long walk alone? Make sure you have at least one planned “me time” during the week, every week. It will help keep you sane.
  5. Stay away from addictive substances and sugar: No joke. Caffeine can make you jittery and elevate your heart rate when you are under stress. Alcohol can cause all sorts of headaches when you are stressed out; and I don’t just mean a hangover. Do I even need to mention why cigarettes cause stress even thought you think they calm you down? Just say no. Stay away from anything addictive. Sugar too! Sugar can make you tired, less productive, and groggy. There is no place for a lot of sugar in a busy day. Save sweet treats for your rest days; in moderation of course.

These are the ways I reduce stress in my life, and I manage my stress levels. What are some ways you manage stress in your busy lives?

Things I find comforting when I am stressed out:

Thanks for stopping by!

