Daily Archives: March 14, 2014

Greenspiration for St Patrick’s Day 2014


Photo: Suit: Banana Republic / Nail Polish: Chanel “Rose Moire” / Handbag: c/o Jill Milan (on Sale!)

St. Patrick’s Day 2014 is almost here! That means Fashionista’s everywhere need to make sure they have something green to wear in order to avoid getting pinched!

Unless you have something green in your closet left over from the 2013 Emerald green trend, you may find bright green a little harder to find in the spring 2014 than in the past few spring seasons. This does not mean there are not any green products on the market right now, it only means you will need to look a little harder and consider alternate shades of green to avoid getting pinched!

Spring 2014’s most important color trend is the pastel trend. This means the green apparel and accessories found on store shelves will be in the mint green range; as opposed to last year’s Leprechaun “Emerald” green. Mint green will work just as well as Emerald green did in year’s past to keep pinchers at bay. So rest assured, you can rock mint green on St. Patrick’s Day and still avoid getting pinched!

There are a lot of fabulous mint green, as well as Emerald and Kelly green products, on the store shelves as we speak. I found a few amazing peices around the web and assembled them into the shopping widget below. I hope you find the perfect “pinch repellent” below! Have a wonderful St. Patrick’s Day, happy shopping, and stay fabulous 😉

Have you ever wondered why we wear green on St. Patrick’s Day? Click here to find out!