tart collections

How to wear a sequin jacket during the day

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Wearing: Kendra Scott earrings / MAC Lipstick / Helmut Lang sweater (on major sale!) / sequin jacket c/o Tart Collections (use code HOLIDAY20 now through 12-30-2016 to save 20% off!) / Gap jeans (on sale!) / Givenchy handbag / nail polish c/o Essie Go With The Flowy / Louise et Cie shoes (sold out, also love this pair)

Wondering how to wear a sequin jacket during the day for a casual event? Or maybe you have a casual party on New Years Eve and are wondering how to style a sequin jacket for New Years Eve? Well I struggled with these questions too!

I have an all-black outfit I planned to wear with this sequin jacket from Tart Collections. When the jacket arrived, I quickly went to my closet to try the outfit on together, only to find my weight gain sized me out of my black outfit! The shame! So then I decided I had to find a way to style this sequin jacket for my upcoming holiday parties. Plus, I needed a casual New Years Eve outfit idea, so this sequin jacket would be perfect!

Pairing this Tart Collections sequin jacket with loose, distressed, straight-leg jeans worked out perfectly! I love the edgy-glam look for a casual New Years Eve party, or any daytime activity. This is a great girl’s brunch outfit idea too! For New Years Eve, I plan to wear this exact outfit but I will switch out the daytime handbag for this cute little number by Valentino. You can see it styled here.

Tart Collections has so many fabulous and festive pieces for New Years; as well as everyday wear. You can’t go wrong with a Tart Collection piece! Plus, they are based right here in the San Francisco Bay Area, so their style is exactly how we dress. Love that!

You can find this fabulous sequin jacket and more at TartCollections.com. Use coupon code HOLIDAY20 now through December 30, 2016 to save 20% off your purchase. Love that!

Casual outfit with a sequin jacket:

how to wear a sequin jacket during the day

Studded moto jacket

tart collections moto jacket how to style a moto jacket two tone jeansstudded moto jacketfaux leather moto jacket san francisco designersvegan leather moto jacket

Wearing: Kendra Scott earrings / MAC Lipstick / BR turtleneck sweater (sold out, similar here)  / faux leather studded moto jacket c/o Tart Collections (use code HOLIDAY20 to save 20% off now ’till 12-30-2016)/ Kendra Scott ring / c/o Essie nail polish / Givenchy handbag / Gap two tone jeans (on major sale! avl in petite & tall too) / booties (old, similar pair here)

If you just looked at the above photo, don’t worry, I was not run over by a car during this photo shoot. That is our friend in the car who laughed a little bit when he saw us shooting photos, and we quickly moved aside for him. His car looks much closer to me in the photo than it actually was! haha I digress. . .

How fabulous is this studded moto jacket! It is designed by San Francisco Bay Area based fashion brand Tart Collections. I love love love Tart Collections! Not only are they based here in the Bay Area, they make the perfect, most fabulous attire for our California Casual lifestyle. Love that!

This moto jacket has the most intricate studded design. To make it even more appealing, the jacket is vegan leather. Love that! So very Bay Area 😉

Since our weather has been chilly lately, I have been wearing this jacket over a thin sweater; as pictured in this post. The jacket itself it not too thick, so when the weather starts to change in the spring season, it will be easy to transition with a long sleeve tee underneath, then short sleeves. It is perfect for staying warm when the fog rolls in this spring!

Tart collections run true to size. I wear a 6/8 and this jacket is a size medium. It fits perfectly! You can find this jacket, and more fabulous pieces online at TartCollections.com. Be sure to use coupon code HOLIDAY20 now through December 30, 2016 in order to save 20% off your purchase. Love that!

Outfit details:

bay area fashion designers

One more thing! Moto jackets are going to be a HOT trend this upcoming spring/summer 2017 season. They were all over the runways in New York! This is a great moto jacket to buy now, using the 20% off coupon code HOLIDAY20 before Dec 30, 2016. You can wear it right now and rock this spring trend before everyone else! I love beating others to a new trend, don’t you? It rocks!

The gold studs fit perfectly into more spring runway trends from New York. Metallic hues, as well as heavy embellishments, are all hot trends from the New York runways for the upcoming spring season. This jacket just hits all the points. Love that!

You can save 20% off your purchase with coupon code HOLIDAY20 at TartCollections.com  now through December 30, 2016.
tart collection san francisco bay area

Aren’t the details on this studded moto jacket in faux leather by Tart Collections fabulous! I am in love!!!

Thanks for stopping by!



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