Best hand cream for frequent hand washing
Best hand cream for frequent hand washing from left: L’Occitane hand cream / Colleen Rothschild hand cream / Perricone MD Cold Plasma Plus+ hand therapy c/o Perricone MD/
Do you find yourself washing your hands all. the. time? I do! Under normal circumstances, I wash my hands frequently during the day, but never to the point where they get tight, dry, and sensitive. Well, now that we are sheltering in place, social distancing, and washing our hands multiple times per hour, my hands are all those things! They are definitely mad at me!!
In order to combat the beating my hands are taking from washing them multiple times per hour, everyday, I am going through my hand cream supply quickly; and have already had to open two new tubes. I always keep two in my backstock, now I will need to order more online in order to keep my supply available. It isn’t only me using hand cream in my house now, it is myself, my husband, and my three kids. We all need it! I assume you do too!
I have been a huge fan of L’Occitane hand cream since the late 1990s when it was deemed the only hand cream on the planet that wasn’t greasy. Everyone and thier mother flocked to the L’Occitane store at the mall to purchase a tube. Sometimes, they were sold out! It was defintly the “IT” hand cream of the late ’90’s and early 2000’s! I am still a fan, and always keep a tube downstairs so I can use it as needed without walking upstairs to fetch hand cream. It’s a must-have in my house.
Now that I mentioned I keep a hand cream downstairs, I must also mention I keep one upstairs on my nightstand. The one I keep upstairs is also a favorite of mine; and preferred by my husband. I keep my Colleen Rothschild hand cream upstairs on my nightstand and apply it as needed, and every night before I go to sleep. It’s an amazing hand cream!
You might be wondering how I can have two favorite hand creams; well, I do! It really is a toss up as to which one is better, I love them both. If you cannot decide which one to choose, the only difference I can point out is that L’Occitane has a thicker texture, and a shea butter scent, as opposed to the Colleen Rothschild which has a pleasant scent. They both smell good, and work equally well. It depends on the texture and scent for you to make a decision. I recommend trying both and then seeing which one you prefer. You might end up unable to choose, just like me!
I receive PR packages frequently; and I have been blogging for ten years now, so you can only imagine how many hand creams have been sent my way, and I have tested out. Nothing compares to L’Occitane and Colleen Rothschild. They are my two favorites. So when I say they are good, you know my sample size has been large! I have tried over twenty brands, and nothing has caught my eye like these two.
This takes us to Perricone MD. This hand therapy was sent to me in February in a PR package. I wasn’t sure what to do with intensive hand therapy, since my hands have always been in good shape due to my other two hand creams. Until this current healthcare crisis, I didn’t realize this was something I needed in my life!
As I mentioned before, I am always washing my hands. I am sure you are too! In addition to hand washing, I am cleaning my house multiple times per week, instead of my usual one day a week. This is exposing my hands to more chemicals, more hand washing, and more chances to get dry and tight skin. I have found that using Perricone MD’s Cold Plasma Plus+ hand therapy one time per day is exactly what my hands need to stay normal. I highly recommend keeping a tube on hand in order to combat the extra beating your hands are taking. It’s truly a blessing during this time.
There you have it! I have two normal hand creams to recommend, the L’Occitane, and the Colleen Rothschild. In addition, I recommend keeping the Perricone MD hand therapy on hand for intensive use as needed.
Do you have a favorite hand cream?
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