Daily Archives: January 1, 2017

Happy New Year 2017!


Wishing you and your loved ones a Happy New Year!

shoes / clutch ( on major sale!)

2016 was quite a year wasn’t it! There were really great things that happened, and really sad, unfortunate events which occurred.

So many well-loved celebrities that made artistic contributions to our cultural society, resulting in significant impacts over the years, were lost in 2016.

Some people loved the results of our Presidential election, others thought the world would end.

Our fight for a cleaner, more sustainable environment suffered some losses, but also gained some important wins.

That was 2016 in a nutshell.

2017 will be a very different year. As with any year, some will love it, others will count down the seconds to 2018, Whatever your beliefs, or expectations for the year, let’s just say “Cheers!”

Now, this is a fashion, style, and beauty blog. So let’s chat about the fun stuff!!

In 2016 I had a few resolutions. I only shared one on the blog; which was to lose fifteen pounds and workout more. I can proudly say I lost ten of those pounds, but I didn’t work out more; I worked out less. I lost the weight over the summer when I had the time to get myself to the gym five days per week. Sigh.

My other resolution, which I never shared on the blog, was to not leave all my tax day prep for the week before my taxes are due! Yes, I am one of those last minute people who is frantically sending off her taxes, and that check, less then five days before it is due. It has only caused a few small heart-attacks. I am proud to say I did it! I am prepared to file my taxes right now, today! All I need to do, is to wait for my 1099’s and W2. Then voila! I can file them early! Do a little dance!!

Now, let’s talk about 2017.  Here are my 2017 New Year resolutions!

  1. Lose ten pounds through diet and exercise
  2. Schedule four gym sessions per week, and stick to it!
  3. Switch from a sticker based rewards system for my kids, to a cash allowance based system integrated with the chore chart.
  4. Eat less sugar, eat more vegetables

Well, that is all I can think of right now. Which resolution’s worked for you in 2016? What are your new resolutions for 2017?

Have a Happy New Year!