
Are designers traying to make the IT bag happen again?

it bags 2025

Anonymous handbags for 2025: studded handbag / studded bucket bag in black / suede and leather bucket bag /

It is no secret that the one and only IT bag of the moment is no longer a thing. In present day, the IT bag of the moment is more of a style, silhouette and vibe. We are no longer pressured into carrying the one and only IT bag of the moment, from the only brand of the moment, while shunning everything else on the market. That era was so exhausting.

What is currently hot on the streets is the anonymous handbag, as well as styles which include the hobo handbag, slouchy bucket bags, belted satchels, moon shaped bags, mini shoulder bags, suede, and neutral hues. But is this enough for designers who have grown accustomed to trying to make the next IT bag happen? Sorry guys, not really sure it’s going to happen.

In the past few years, there has been a series of unfortunate events, so to speak. There have been a handful of scandalous advertising campaigns and unsavory behavior by designers or creative directors at a slim sampling of design houses. There have also been manufacturing and pricing scandals which have painted many high-end designers in an unfavorable light. In addition to this, consumers have grown tired of always chasing the next big IT bag. There has been a conscious move towards less consumption, and products with lasting power. How much lasting power does an IT bag have? Well, in some circles, one season at best.

This isn’t to say there is something wrong with the IT bag itself. This is more to say that instead of searching for the sold-out bag carried by all the hot, of-the-minute celebrities and socialites, handbag fans have gone out on their own. Fashionistas are not long searching for what a celebrity or high-profile socialite is carrying. Instead, they are searching for a high-quality handbag at a not-so-crazy price-point. Something they can carry for more than one season, and possibly even for years. The investment handbag is having a moment.

Investment handbags can be interpreted in different ways. Some see them as handbags which hold their value or rise in resale value. Others see an investment handbag as cost-per-wear or length of ownership. Whichever version of handbag investing you prefer, there is no wrong answer.

Despite this trend of seeking out high quality, anonymous handbags, designers are putting their feet down and trying to bring back the IT bag. Instead of coming up with something new, or cleaning up their tarnished images, they are bringing back styles which enjoyed IT bag status ten to twenty years ago. Do we really need these bags in our lives again? Probably not. This re-issue trend is actually exploiting one of the reasons consumers are seeking quality handbags over logos and designer names. The quality.

The reason many handbags became IT bags in the past was because they offered high quality materials and craftsmanship. In addition, they offered a style which appealed to the masses. As quality goes down, and prices go up, these re-issue IT bags no longer have the high-quality sparkle they once had. Instead, they serve as a reminder of what was lost; high quality worth the four-digit price tag. Now, they cost twice as much with lower quality materials and craftsmanship. Can designers save the IT bag this way? Can they revive it by serving up an inferior product imitating one from yesteryear? I think not. So, what is the solution? Do we need the return of the IT bag? Or should we keep on pursuing the quality and value afforded to us by the anonymous handbag.

Only time, and the consumer will tell.

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What is luxury?

What is luxury? This question has been floating around online on various social media outlets with interesting definitions and discussions. In addition, it seems most people have different ideas of what luxury is, and what it means to them. So, let’s dive right into the discussion.

Oftentimes people associate brands with luxury. People will also associate certain vacation destinations with luxury. But I ask you, are those real indicators of luxury? What exactly is luxury? What defines it and what does it mean to you and me.

Advertising and marketing strategies have shaped what consumers believe to be luxury. Many people think a German Automobile, a designer watch, a designer handbag, and logowear defines luxury. In reality, those items are just expensive products with amazing marketing schemes.

True luxury to me is time, family, and comfort. I feel luxurious when surrounded by my family, drinking warm tea, and enjoying happy moments. Consumer goods do not equate to luxury for me, instead, consumer goods are fun and feel like rewards, but they don’t offer long-lasting feelings of luxury and happiness. They serve a purpose; we hope, otherwise they are a waste of money which could have been better spent.

That being said, consumer goods which help me feel luxurious include good tea, a comfortable sofa which fits my family, and soft clothing I can curl up on the couch in; oh, and a soft throw. Cozy equals comfort for me too.

When it comes to cars, I used to own a very expensive, “luxury” vehicle. It was awful. The car was always breaking down and having electronic issues. Once I sold it and purchased a car based on reliability and safety ratings, I was so happy! So now, I feel like a reliable car is more luxurious than owning a status symbol car. Plus, let’s face it, cars depreciate in value. Why dump money into a car when you can keep it in the bank, invest it, and watch it grow? That is luxury.

One form of luxury we often take for granted is living in the United States. We can safely sleep at night knowing we are not being bombed or invaded. While expensive at times, we do have high quality healthcare. Food is plentiful, and there are a lot of job opportunities. We have freedoms other countries don’t enjoy such as the freedom of religion, speech, and more. This is luxury, especially to those who don’t have what we take for granted. I see my roof, my full refrigerator, and my family as luxurious. I thank God for all of this.

What is luxury to you?

Thanks for stopping by!


Sunset at the beach

seal beach california waves
summer sunset seal beach california

wearing: striped tee (sold out, also love this tee) / earrings / black handbag / nail polish / black belt / cropped jeans / espadrilles /

There is something about watching the sunset at the beach that just hits different. You can see all the colors and stages from every possible angle. There are no obstructions. So, on a recent trip to SoCal, we stopped at Seal Beach to watch the sunset as well as check out the Strawberry Moon.

I wish I had my real camera with me. These photos were taken with my iPhone and do not do the sunset, nor the Strawberry Moon, justice. They were both beautiful and the colors were outstanding.

The older I get, I realize how beautiful nature is, and sometimes I feel like I have missed out during my lifetime at just stopping and admiring it. My life has always been full speed ahead and stopping to “smell the flowers,” as the saying goes, is really something I wish I had listened to early on. I am thankful for my daughter who loves the beach and watching the sunset. She has pulled me away from work and made me appreciate the beauty around us.

Slowing down and watching the sunset is something I need to do more of. It is something we all need to do more of. What do you feel like you need to do more of in your life?

Thanks for stopping by.



strawberry moon 2024 seal beach california
sunset seal beach