Wide leg floral pants for summer

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wearing: rose gold dangle earrings / lipstick / black twist tee / Chanel nail polish / Chloe Nile / wide leg floral pants (wearing petite) regular online here / black wedge espadrilles (under $100!)

I’m always looking for comfortable pants to wear in the summer months. I love pants which are soft, flowy, and will keep me cool when temperatures soar. These wide leg floral pants are perfect for summer because they are thin enough to not be hot, yet thick enough to drape correctly, and wear well throughout the season after being washed and worn multiple times.

Here in the San Francisco Bay Area, we get fog overnight often during the summer months. This means the early morning, and early evening, can be quite cool. While we enjoy our natural air conditioning, temperatures can soar into the 90’s during the day. Summer pants are perfect for this weather pattern since they are thin enough to wear all day long, and cut the chill when the fog rolls in. Plus, they feel like pajamas! Love that!

Wide leg floral pants are so versatile during the summer months. They can be dressed up with high heel sandals, or dressed down with flat espadrilles. I tend to wear them with either flat espadrilles, or wedges. The more comfort I can pair together, the better! haha

Shop my wide leg floral pants summer outfit:

What are you favorite ways to dress for the summer’s incoming, and outgoing foggy days?

Thanks for stopping by!



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