Casual spring day

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Wearing: Kendra Scott earrings / YSL lipstick / black cotton bell sleeve top (under $25!!) / Kendra Scott ring / Christian Louboutin spring nail polish / Gap jeans (old, also love this pair the colors are more on trend for 2017 then my pair) / Mansur Gavriel handbag (mini size in stock here) / pale pink espadrilles (so comfy and under $175!!)

So have you ever gone to Target for one item and accidentally left with a cart of who-knows-what? Well, I did this a few weeks ago, only instead of a cart full of who-knows-what, I had a cart full of Who What Wear! haha

This blouse, which was part of my Target for binder paper, has turned out to be the perfect go-to black top for spring. It is comfortable, not expensive, and very on trend. Love! I have worn it with my bi-color jeans as well as my boyfriend jeans. It really goes with any casual pant style; love that!

These bi-color jeans have been in my closet since last year, and I wear them all the time! They may have stretched out a bit, but I still love them. If I wear them with wedges or heels, they hang OK. haha

My beautiful ten-year-old daughter has taken a liking to photography! She is so cute! My daughter snapped all of these photos while we were in downtown Los Gatos last week. My iPad had crashed, and would not turn on, so I had an appointment at the Apple Store to have it looked at. She came with me while they fixed it, snapped these photos, and I rewarded her with pizza from Pizza My Heart.

It was so nice to hang out with her one-on-one on a beautiful spring day! When you have three kids, sometimes it is difficult to get one-on-one time with one child. I love having that time with each of my children; it is how you really get an insight into their growing, maturing personality! So fun!

If you have multiple children, how do you break away from your busy schedule, and get one-on-one time with each of your children? I find it to be hard. I would love some tips!

Casual spring outfit details:

Thanks for stopping by,



silicon valley style

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