Nutrius Brazilian Body Butter review

nutrius brzilian body butter review costco

Nutrius Brazilian Body Butter above: body butter fuchsia top / nail polish / Below: body butter yellow top / nail polish /

Raise your hand if you love a good body butter. Mine is way up! I love a good body butter, and these two scents by Nutrius are absolutely fabulous.

I first encountered this duo at Costco while wandering around the aisles. I was surprised to find they smell amazing and are extremely nourishing. Love that!

Since my skin gets very dry during the winter months, this body butter turned out to be a life saver. I only have to apply it once and the scent stays fresh, and my skin stays nourished without drying out again. That is the ultimate flex when it comes to body cream.

While both versions have slightly different ingredients, the only difference I notice is the scent. The fuchsia top has more of a powdery sweet fragrance while the yellow top is beachier; I assume due to the coconut. Both fragrances smell fantastic, and I have found myself addicted! Of course, as with anything at Costco, I can’t find it there anymore. Thankfully these body butters from Nutrius can be found elsewhere on the web.

I hope you enjoy these body butters!

Thanks for stopping by!


nutrius body butter review costco body butter body cream